Food For Thought

How many people, as children, are offered food or something sweet by an adult, when they become upset, or get injured? I have come to believe this is the start….

person wearing ice cream
to by Min An on

of learning “comfort eating”. Which can certainly lead to a lifetime of struggling with weight gain, perhaps even obesity.

We all know that life will bring a lot of different situations and experiences our way of which some will be disappointments and even extreme sadness. We need to learn to be equipped, as children, to know how to deal with those times in life in a healthy manner. If we are taught to turn to food, even indulge in food to comfort ourselves at those times, we will end up with the problem of unwanted weight gain in adulthood. Then that often leads to other health problems. Let alone the frustration weight problems bring.

So the thought I’ve been thinking about for some time now is wishing that parents of babies and young children could become aware that when little Johnny or little Sara falls down and skins their knee, for example, don’t offer them some treat to pacify them…. instead offer to let them rest till it feels better and then promise them a trip to the park or play yard or whatever activity they enjoy best. Did you catch that? There is a key word there. Activity.

This can create a healthy lifetime habit for those times that we need to deal with unhappy experiences as an adult. Go for a run, a walk, a bike ride or whatever activity suits you, but a person needs to learn this as a very young child.

I know from my own experience that trying to change habits, in regard to comfort eating, is so difficult to do as an adult. It’s something I wish my own parents were aware of and that I was aware of when my children were small. Therefore, I urge parents to stop and consider what they are teaching their children and what problems they could be making for their children in the future.

Please share this thought with others. It could be instrumental in helping future generations to live a little healthier lives.

Until next time….



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